Roxwell Pre-school prides itself on a a true family ethos and the foundation of this is that at Roxwell Pre-school all our children work and play together in one big family unit. From the age of 2 years right up to 5 years the children learn to be good role models and understand how to nurture and support each other but maintain their individuality and freedom of choice. We instil in all our children a strong sense of belonging to our group and a touching attachment is formed with each other, parents/carers and the 4 permanent staff. We work hard to form a winning united team which ultimately enables all our children to leave our setting with the best start they could possibly have. Our goal is for each child to move on with good self-esteem and the confidence to believe in themselves as separate entities. A strong foundation is formed which sets them up as best we can for their new adventures out with Roxwell Pre-school.

At Roxwell we have the added bonus of our location and our strong links with our community. Roxwell Pre-school is surrounded by acres of open countryside and an abundance of nature. The children regularly embark on mini adventures/nature walks and in all weathers, wellies are a must at Roxwell! The children learn through these doorstep experiences on a regular basis and in total safety. The vastness of our outdoor playground is very special and can be experienced all year round. We have our very own frog pond in the garden and each year collect the frogspawn from the village pond. The children all witness the changes that occur in our pond and therefore have a good knowledge of the life cycle of our frogs. Our frog pond is famous and is featured in the under 5s magazine as an example of good practice.
Roxwell Pre-school has great links with the wider community through regular visits from our community police officer who often brings in goodies for us regarding stranger danger and road safety.

A retired qualified teacher from our village art group visits us each half term to read a story and do a craft activity with the children. We regularly walk along to the local village shop to pick our snack or to post letters. We have a great relationship with our local primary school and we regularly visit them and they come to us too. We are lucky to have a diverse array of parents/carers and the children learn many different things through experiences such as Brazilian carnivals, Finnish cooking uniformed professions, animal visitors and musical visitors.

Roxwell Pre-school have annual events, sports day, Christmas show, parents evening and our school leavers trip. We also have more regular fundraising events throughout the year and the sharing of the children’s Learning Journeys. Each child has their own special learning journey which is full of photos, their progress wheel and their next steps. These books go home for the holidays so all the family can see what their child gets up to at Roxwell Pre-school. These scrapbooks are handed over to you when your child moves on and a lasting log of memories is yours to keep forever and remember the Roxwell Pre-school days.

Roxwell Pre-school is run by a team of 4 passionate mummies who have clocked up a great CV of training, knowledge and experience. We strive to be a totally inclusive practice and continually attend and update our training courses to ensure diversity, safety, safeguarding, special educational needs and equal opportunities can be catered for with total professionalism and genuine ability. We are currently embarking on our Autism awards. We sincerely want to give each and every child in our care the best start in education and for each and every child to reach their full potential during their time at Roxwell. Staff qualifications, experience and training records can be viewed on request.